This page is for testing broken features and untested code. If you have arrived here, please go back to the main website.


    Gender or Preferred Pronoun

    Any images you provide MUST be copyright free, or you have permission from the artist. If attribution is required, inform me and I will include it in the video. People don't mess around with this, they will force me to take it down if I don't have permission. I reserve the right to choose not to use a provided image, but in most cases, it's not an issue. I will inform you if I have any problems with an image. If you would prefer you may include a link in the 'Other' field, or email it to me later rather than attaching a file here, as sometimes they are too large for this form to handle.

    You should receive an automated confirmation shortly. If you do not, that means it did not send. If I don't respond within a few weeks, it may have gone into my spam folder. If you are having issues or just want to check in, feel free to contact me using the Contact Form. You can also try accessing this page through a different browser.

    If after pressing 'Send' the screen jumps upward, yet the fields are still filled out, that means either a required field wasn't completed or an attached file was too large. If you are sending large files, it might take a minute to upload, the page just sits there while this is taking place.

    Thank you!