Month: July 2018
Of Monsters and Mushrooms, Ch. 28
Of Monsters and Mushrooms, Ch. 28 by Lesley Herron The final chapter, parting is a sweet sorrow. Well, more sweet than sorrow for some. listen to the entire story HERE.
Tony Mandolin Meets Sam Nero 2 of 2 Tony Mandolin Meets Sam Nero 2 of 2 by Robert Lee Beers and Jane Jago When two private eyes are lured into the same bar by a supernatural entity, things go sideways fast. […]
Tony Mandolin Meets Sam Nero 1 of 2
Tony Mandolin Meets Sam Nero 1 of 2 by Robert Lee Beers and Jane Jago When two private eyes are lured into the same bar by a supernatural entity, things go sideways fast. This […]
Ep and the Aliens
Ep and the Aliens by Rick Kennett * Website – * Amazon – The static cleared for a moment and from the speaker came a human voice singing in Country & Western […]
BeyondLife by Reddit User u/BecauseISaidSoToo AKA Daniel Charles Wild This one of the many wild tales included in his brand new short story collection, ‘Stories For Imaginary Friends’. Author page: Reddit: Other TTTV stories by […]
In Jellyfish, We Trust
In Jellyfish, We Trust by Melissa R. Mendelson * Amazon – (Affiliate) It was a strange sensation to dream. Vivid images filled my mind like a movie. Voices drifted across darkness. My body […]
Of Monsters and Mushrooms, Ch. 27
Of Monsters and Mushrooms, Ch. 27 by Lesley Herron An unlikely hero emerges in the middle of battle to swing the tide of war, but is it enough? Listen to the entire novel […]